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New Series Avery Snow the Medium

Since starting the Novella series, Avery Snow the Medium, I have been working straight through to book 3, and have figured out the ending and beginnings of book 4 and 5. I love it when the creative juices are flowing. My mind is lifted and I am happy. So far with this series, I was able to create 14 different scenarios that Avery will go through. With each book my goal is to have at least 25 thousand words written. They will also all have a cliff hanger that leads into the next book. I have started my cover designs for the first 3 novellas as well as book 5's cover. I am still searching for cover designs on books 4. Can't wait to start sharing this with you. I have posted some samples of book 1 and 2 on my facebook page. AUTHOR PAGE

I have recently made the decision to get rid of my personal facebook page to avoid all drama. I will keep my fanpage along with twitter and my blog. I figure the most important people have my number and care enough to call instead of just reading my feeds. I notice that no one really gets together like they used to because they feel they know everything that is going on because of facebook. So I am done. If people care enough they will call or text me. If not then I didn't need them anyway.

Thinking my blog may become of more use in the future.



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